Contact Information
Before RECORP Inc. will do business with you, "the customer", we need to find out if you are an individual, store owner or wholesaler. When prompted, please provide us with your contact information, including your phone and fax number, name, company name, business or home address, e-mail and GST. If you do not have one or more of these items we may still do business but you will not qualify for discounted pricing and volume discounts that we currently offer retail and wholesale customers. To be eligible for wholesale pricing, you must provide ALL the information requested.
International Orders
International orders will not have a live arrival guarantee and in most instances you will require an import permit to receive our products. Please keep in mind, we are not responsible for confiscated goods. Before placing an order, check with your local custom officials to determine permit requirements.
Credit Card Transactions
We accept AMEX, MasterCard and VISA transactions. To process credit card transactions please fill out our order page indicating under the special requirements area your payment method is by credit card. A member of our sales team will forward our credit card authorization form. Please complete, sign and fax back to us so we will have your signature on file.
Direct Payment
You may arrange direct payment to our corporate account. Transactions of this nature are free if you use any TD Canada Trust location.
Payment by Cheque
If you choose, you may pay for your order using a cheque. However, your shipment will be delayed by roughly 2 weeks to ensure that your funds clear.
Alternative Payment
You may also pay by wire, e-mail transfers, certified cheque or money order. In all instances, RECORP will only ship products once your order is paid in full.
Guarantee Policy
(guarantee available for overnight courier Canadian-addressed orders only)
It is important that our customers understand our commitment to our live arrival guarantee. To ensure your order arrives "alive", we recommend that orders be placed on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Someone must be available to receive the package otherwise the live arrival guarantee will be waived. We cannot guarantee live arrival if our products are shipped on a Thursday or Friday. In addition, we will apply an $35.00 surcharge to any order placed on a Friday requiring Saturday delivery.
(claims available for Canadian-addressed orders only)

For all live arrival claims, we must be notified by the end of the day the shipment was supposed to arrive. WE WILL REQUIRE PROOF OF LOSS. We do not provide refunds, however, we will provide a replacement. Please note, shipping charges are not included in the guarantee.
Order Minimums
Minimum order, excluding shipping, is Retail $100.00 CDN., Wholesale $500.00 CDN.
All items must be prepaid.
The prices that appear in this website are subject to change without notice. Prices at trade shows and exhibitions may be higher or lower than the prices posted in this website.